Thursday, April 16, 2009

You gotta A story.....tell me?'s probably one thing that all of us have done at some point in our definition even reading those magazines talking how britney went bald is considered gossiping...
well...look at your face in the mirror ans ask your dear self..." you talk about me?"asnwer..definitely yes....even I express my opinions about people...only when I really have nature...i don't say things to the faces of others...that's just plain rude if you ask well getting to the point...why do you talk about people you dont' even know in you know...yeah i have seen her in Uni and i hate her kinda thing.WHY people???WHY???I am not going to go on and write how person x gossiped about person Y....that's just too childish...point is you don't talk about people you don't know...only you know how difficult it is to be you and how things if a dude out there behaves in a weird way...let it be....look at yourself first and then judge others...A person who doesn't behave in the way you want him or her to behave isnt a bad person....If you can't except them they way they are ,then too bad for you.

You are never the perfect screw the idea of judging others...especially based on their external appearance...if you think you are so beautiful. or good looking...enter some beauty pageant.period

The world needs clones of?

The world needs clones of?

a)Barack Obama to prove that the world can change,upside down.The very same country which oppressed the blacks a couple decades ago said yes to their first black president.Way to go Uncle Sam!!!

b)Nelson Mandela a fantastic fighter.He spent half of his life time in the prison for his me a current leader who would do that for his people???I think if you want to fight for a cause,your own life should be put into it and not merely words...

c)Mahathma Gandhi(i could actually write a whole post one him but that for later)-All the killing,bombing,butchering and etc are sheer waste of time.You kill may guy,i kill your sidekick.For that,you take another man's life from my crowd and the vicious cycle repeats on its own.Bottom line is ,its never ending,Unless you decide to end it.Period.

d)Good mothers-Today you have mothers who send their daughters to prostituition centres.Gone were the days when mothers used to protect their daughters.No to forget mothers who flush their newborn down the toilet.
(an interesting fact from Freakonomics-apparently the number of criminals in the 1990's were far less than what had be expected owing to legalization of abortion in 1970's-criminals are apparently unwanted babies,so by nipping th problem in the bud...hahaha)

e)Good fathers-Fathers who teach theirs sons games and not smoking,fathers who teach their daughters who to protect themselves from men and not themselves rape the daughter.Fathers who are always the for their children and not those who walk out of the house when the kids need them the most.

d)people who walk their talk.Talking is very easy,making something happen isnt as easy.So think before you talk,dont regret after you have said it.

e)You and me-God has given this gorgeous Earth to us,thinking that we would take good care of it.But look at what we are doing to it today.We will never realise our mistakes until things go really out of control.But hey,besides that we are good kids,aren't we???

YOU...must be be wondering why not write about things that the world doesnt need....I'm no God to decide who should go...but I'm human being to decide what more we need!!!

A battle of good versus evil

A battle of good against evil!!!

Lets go back in time..perhaps a few hundred decades ago..Ravana,King of Lanka(what was later known as Ceylon,Sri Lanka today)abducted Seetha,the beautiful wife of Sri Ramar,one ofthe avatars of Maha Vishnu.
He later killed Ravana and saved his wife...obviously.But the catch was that he was not sure if Seetha still as pure as she was before.So he told her to walk through fire which she did,and she was not harmed by the raging fire.So endof story,they lived happily ever after.

coming back to 2009,oh wait probably 27th of december 2008...yeap u got it...the day Isreal started attacking Gaza..the world stood up against Isreal..17 days and stil counting...hundreds of rockets are still attacking the militant hiding among the civilians in Gaza..killing the civilians in the so-called process of wiping out terrorist....My question is why cant the world do something about...THE WORLD..Isreal is just a country in this world.
Apparently Uncle Sam is with them.He has used his veto power in the United Nations 28 times to protect the terrific actions of Isreal.
I do know the story behind this war for a piece of land which started in 1973...but I'm not going to talk about it...The very sad part is people regard the war as a war between two religion...which i wouldnt agree too.I feel for those mothers who have lost the dear children in the last 17 days...i feel for those young babies who have lost the mothers...I feel for the people of Gaza who are now force to flee the city...fearing that they might loose their lives.I'm not a Palestinian neither am I a Muslim...but I feel for my neighbours who are fighting in Gaza and I would always keep the in my prayer.
How i wish everyone could look at this issue the same...every single time something comes's always related to some religion or publicized that way.NO RELIGION is bad.
You may be wondering what the Ramayanan Has got to do with the current situation in Gaza.In both situation it's a battle of good against evil.
I sincerely hope that all these killings will be over soon...we have lost 900 plus civilians and those peers mine(fellow doctors and nurses)...hope God is there with you every time you receive a patient,

and to Isreal,i really dont understand the need for these massacre..if it is for a piece of land...i dont think what you are doing is worth your time.You have started using phosphorus rockets which has been banned by The convention of Geneva years you ever listened to anybody...we have seen how destrutive radiation can be to humans.SO STOP RIGHT NOW.We have seen and heard enough.